Well, the Easter bunny forgot to stop by Japan and we certainly didn't get the ANZAC day holiday here, but finally, it's our turn for holidays! It's Golden Week!
Golden week is a string of public holidays, that if you're lucky enough, mean a full week off. Wayne has a lovely nine day weekend, while I have a three day weekend, a two day work week and then a four day weekend. Can't really complain.
So now it's Sunday night and I'm having fun playing. Playing on the computer that is. One thing that I've set up is a free e-card greeting service. I'm feeling like my images are being neglected and not seeing the light of day, so now hopefully, people will use them and they can have a new life. If you go to the "Send a Free Greeting Card" box on the side it will take you to the site. They are still just images that you can send with a message at them moment, but maybe in the future I'll build on them.
Another thing I've set up is a map to see where visitors are coming from. Don't be shy, click on the litte "View my Guestmap" and say hello!
The rest of Golden Week (part one and two for me) is looking busy. We have a bbq party to go to tomorrow. I think a couple of newbie gaijin are going to be there and their friends wanted them to meet us.
Then on Thursday (my part two) I'm getting rid of Wayne for the day. He's heading off to Kyoto with a friend to watch a Kendo competition, an eighth-dan Iaido grading and to visit a temple that has something to do with horse-mounted archery. Wayne's really looking forward to it as it's a day that involves three different ways of hurting or killing people. I worry about him some days...... Wayne's friend was terribly concerned about taking him away from me for a day and invited me to join them in Kyoto. He had a good laugh when I asked him to "please" take him away so I can get some things done in the apartment. You see the weather is heating up and it's time to change over from winter to summer. Our lovely kotatsu will go away until the next season, fans will replace our heaters and summer clothes the winter ones. In a small apartment, everything can't be out at once and it is quite a job to pull everything out and put it away again. It's easier to do all this without Wayne getting in the way, though he will have a bit of lifting work to do before and after his trip.
The rest of the time off will be taken up with seeing friends, doing some work and going to the gym. Before I know it, I'll be back at school again!