Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Spelling Mistakes

Today was the last lesson with the students attempting to write funny stories. I had one more to share with you, not because it was a good story, but rather for the way it changed with its spelling errors;

.... He was a shy boy. He couldn't say
elotic words like "sox" and "possy"....

Personally, I'm not too sure who'd be turned on by those words, maybe a homie with a foot fetish?


  1. Oh my goodness! I'm more surprised by what he wanted to say.

    Your classes are rated G right? LOL.


  2. Yes! They are supposed to be G-rated. But you know what teenage boys are like when you give them a bit of freedom....

  3. Interesting stuff your students came up with.

    I'm rather curios what made them write those sentences. :)

  4. Love it, love it, love it. I have to hand it to them. At least they're trying to write idiomatic English. I would hate to share my attempts to write in Japanese.

  5. maybe he was talking about the Boston Red "Sox" and an old west Possy.

  6. Anonymous8:19 AM

    If you try pronouncing it with a broad, drunk Glasgow accent then it kinda works...

  7. Hey Lisa - Thanks! They do make me laugh most days, though not always for the right reasons...

    Hey Lina - I have 2 words for you - "teenage boys"

    Hey Forsythia - Oh yeh... My attempts in Japanese would be awful!

    Hey Tornadoes - You could be right! It's just my dirty mind thinking that they were writing about something else.

    Hey Chris - Mmmm... my Glasgow accent doesn't seem to be working today.

  8. Anonymous10:21 AM

    The funniest thing I have seen from my students was, "The penis..." They meant to write "The pen is..."

    I cracked up when I saw this and when I told them what it meant they all started to laugh and yell out penis.

  9. Hey yellowman - that's a good one! It would have cracked me up too. Hey.. do you have a blog? I can't seem to link to one for you.

  10. Gotta love those l/r errors. How many times have teachers heard: "I eat lice everyday"? Wow, humans are closer to primates than previously thought.

  11. Anonymous11:32 AM

    That's pretty good.

    Last night, on cable, I watched an elotic movie with lots of possy, but I was disappointed in the lack of sox.

    Oh, well...

  12. Hey Cindy! Yes, gotta love the l/r mistakes. I teach pronunciation in my junior high classes and am a nazi with that one!

    Hey Billy - so sorry to hear about your disappointment!

  13. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Melanie - Sorry no blog. Just a reader/commenter. :)

  14. Anonymous2:12 PM

    *Commentator. Me speak good Canadian. ;)

  15. hahahaha got a good chuckle out of this one...Great or is it Gleat>


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