On New Year's Day, braving what began as snow, and soon turned to a very cold rain, Wayne and I went to Atsuta shrine in Nagoya. The complex was filled with people coming to pray for a good year. We never made it to the shrine itself, I don't do well in large crowds and the wait was long and cold, so instead, we just enjoyed the festivities around the area. Many small stalls were set up filled with warming foods and entertaining games with prizes to win.
My personal favourite - Ichigo Ame, toffee strawberries. Yum!
Japanese (mostly) character masks. Contamination, you'll be happy to see some Oshiri Kashiri Mushi (Bottom Biting Bug) masks in there. I also love how next to Thomas the Tank Engine are some Toast masks, I imagine they are from Ampanman?
The Daruma Man. He should look happier, at lease he has eyes! These are Daruma wish dolls. When you buy them, they have no eyes. You paint one eye in as you make your wish and then paint in the other when either the wish comes true or the year ends. The two-eyed Daruma is then taken back to the shrine to be burnt by priests as they pray to the gods. In Japan, anything with eyes should never be thrown out, but instead disposed of by a priest.
Happy? I have a happy now that I see masks! :-)
Thanks for finding those for me.
Hey Contamination
Happy to be of service ;) I may be slack in posting and commenting, but when it comes to finding strange character masks, I'm your gal ;)
I saw Ultraman and Kamen Rider masks there.... ooooohhhh....
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.
Living in Japan? How do you cope? I hear is difficult!
Have a lovely evening!
Hi Cielo!
Living in Japan can be hard at times, but most days, it's just the same as anywhere else. You go to work, you have friends, go shopping... There are the extra challenges of language and culture, but most of the time, that just makes it more exciting.
" In Japan, anything with eyes should never be thrown out, but instead disposed of by a priest."
Ah, crap! I was going to make a joke about Japanese people disposing of things with arms and legs, too. You know, how to go about it and...
Ah, crap! Can't think of how to say it just now.
Hi Billy
I really want to hear the end of that sentence! It has to have something to do with chopping people up I'm sure, this is Japan after all!
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