Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day

Quote for the day from the hard copy of Japanzine, also found on-line here.

"News in Brief....
Husband Unaware He's Been Receiving Giri-Choco from Wife for
23 Years"

Hehehe..... you'll get it if you've ever lived here during Valentines Day....

For those of you who haven't, giri means obligation and well, choco is short for chocolate. Unlike the romantic intentions of Valentine's Day in other countries, in Japan, chocolate is given not only to a loved one, but also co-workers, teachers and friends or to anyone you feel obliged to. On this day, chocolate is usually only given by females to males. The girls and women receive gifts on White Day, which is March 14th.

I scored a nice little chocolate stash today, mostly homemade from students.

Here's a video for one of my favourite Japanese chocolate snacks, Pocky. I thought it was fitting for today.

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